Coaching Services

As people with wealth, we have to heal ourselves so we stop reenacting patterns of harm and extraction.

It is not easy, and it is essential.

Jo supports progressive people and couples with wealth and/or class privilege. They love to work with a wide variety of clients from different backgrounds and experiences. Jo’s favorite people to work with are:

  • Queer and trans folx

  • Grievers and recent inheritors 

  • Cross-class couples

  • Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z 

  • Next-generation foundation leaders

  • Donor organizers 

  • Folx newer to redistribution work

Maybe this is you!

Are you a person overwhelmed with feelings that are inhibiting redistributive action?

You might be asking yourself….

  • Am I a bad person because I’m rich? 

  • What if my friends/coworkers/acquaintances find out that I’m rich, will they judge me?

  • How do I talk to people in my life about my class privilege?

  • How do I overcome my feelings of guilt or shame?

  • What the heck is my financial planner talking about? 

  • How do I deal with a financial planner I didn’t choose but inherited from my family?  

  • Do people only like me for my money/resources/connections? 

  • How can I feel so bad about having too much money when other people are literally starving?

  • How do I, or should I even “come out” as wealthy?

Are you struggling with big questions about how to align your money with your values?

Asking yourself questions like:

  • How much is enough for me and my family?

  • How do I deal with work? How much should I work? How much should I be paid? What about volunteer work? How do I, or should I even ask for a raise?

  • How do I decide where to give and how much? 

  • Why do I have to decide where the money goes? What are other options for sharing decision-making power? 

  • How do I offer money or share resources with my friends/community in a way that feels good to all of us? 

  • How do I reconcile my boundaries with others' needs?

  • How do I reconcile saving for retirement when there is so much need in the world? Is there even a way I can save for retirement that’s values aligned? 

  • Do I leave money to my children or grandchildren or other young people in my life or not? If so, how much?

  • Should I spend/give/redistribute the principal? 

  • Should I be giving all my money away? What about “where my money sleeps at night?” 

  • How do I build an authentic connected relationship with an organization I give to without adding undue burden or expectations on them to cater to me as a donor? 

  • How do I talk to my partner(s)/sweetie(s) about money and class? Should we make decisions together or separately? At what point, if at all, do I bring them in? 

  • How much (more) money am I going to inherit from my family, and how do I find out?

Are you and your partner(s) working together to get on the same page about how to move collective resources and address class differences?

You might be asking…

  • How should my partner(s)/sweetie(s)/intimate family and I share resources? 

  • How do we talk about money when we have such different class backgrounds and relationships to money? 

  • How do we address and honor different levels of scarcity? 

  • How do we combine finances? 

  • How do we address power dynamics that are present in the relationship? 

Are you an inheritor managing grief and asking yourself questions like:

  • How do I reconcile my profound or complicated grief from losing someone with this disembodied money they left behind for me? 

  • How do I honor my loved one, myself, and my community at the same time? 

  • How do I respect the wishes of my departed loved one while also honoring my values?

  • How do I manage the logistics of death?

  • How do I navigate family disagreements/arguments/conflict as it relates to the estate of a deceased loved one? 

  • Should I keep working? 

  • How should I update my estate? 

Are you a next-generation foundation leader and/or person with wealth who wants to organize your family and networks?

You’re probably asking yourself…

  • How do I talk to my family about my values related to money?

  • How do I claim leadership in my family foundation/Donor Advised Fund?

  • How do I disconnect this money from my family’s expectations/legacy?

  • How do I organize my family to give more boldly to social change and/or invest more radically in values-aligned opportunities?

  • How do I talk to my family about my values? 

  • How do I suggest my family sunset our foundation? 

  • How do we change our relationship and expectations of foundation grantees?

Coaching might be a great fit for you!

Jo’s Clients receive support moving through big, overwhelming feelings that oftentimes are the largest inhibitor of bold and connected action. When talking about money, we are talking about family, legacy, work, death, grief, tradition, values, home, marriage, friendship, health, power dynamics, and so much more! These are universal human experiences. Jo is committed to client’s genuine transformation, and transformation takes time, which is why Jo works with clients for a minimum of six months, although strongly encourages longer commitments closer to eighteen months.

Coaching clients can expect:

  • Empathy and patience as they work through the complicated emotions of having class privilege while deeply caring about justice and equity.

  • Accountability for tactical and logistical tasks as well as emotional labor related to moving money, overcoming paralysis, processing grief, and organizing family & community. 

  • Support, guidance, and coaching on where, when, how, and how much money to move. 

  • Challenge and agitation to give more boldly, relinquish or share control, and break other patterns that perpetuate current wealth disparities.

Coaching sessions may include:

  • Space to process large and limiting feelings.

  • Tools for moving through limiting thoughts to find new life-giving perspectives.

  • Accountability and support for tactical and emotional work. 

  • Deep work on values related to money.

  • Support in creating a giving plan and strategy. 

  • Training on how to be a good donor to organizations.

  • Training on how to donor organize your resourced networks. 

  • Attending financial professionals’ meetings as a support and translator.

Coaching Rates

All clients meet every other week for at least six months.

Access to Wealth

Individual Coaching 60 Minutes

Couples Coaching 90 Minutes

Less than $2 Million



$2.1 Million - $10 Million



$10.1 Million+



Note on Pricing: Jo wants to be on your team and recognizes the vast difference in access to wealth/funds and the reality that each person's financial situation varies wildly. If listed rates are not accessible to you, please consider them as a starting place for discussion to design what works for you.  

Artist: Molly Costello

Artist: Molly Costello

See if Jo is what you’re looking for.

Need more information or have questions?

Contact us any time.

Ready to schedule your session? Click here.  We are here to help you!